vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

all you need to know


1. Slept in your bed besides you?blond
2. Saw you cry:olga/miki
3. Went to the movies with you?andrei
4. You went to the mall with?gabi/diana
6. You talked on the phone?blond
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?iulia
8. Broke your heart?:)
9. Made you laugh?iulia


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?tongue
2. Be serious or be funny?funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk?ewh
4. Die in a fire or drown? OMG..neeext
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?dunno :))


1. Simple or complicated?complicated
2. Gay?nu 8-|


1. Flowers or candy?flowers
2. Gray or black?gray
3. Color or Black and white photos?both
4. Lust or love?both
5. Sunrise or sunset?sunrise
6. M&Ms or Skittles?m&m's
8. Staying up late or waking up early?staying up late ofc


1. Do you like anyone?yes
2. Do they know it?yes


1. Sun or moon?sun
2. Winter or Fall?fall
3. Left or right?right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?2 best friends <3
5. Sun or rain?suuuun
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?chocolate
7. Vodka or Jack?jack <3


1. What time is it?12:57 am
2. Name?ioana/rebecca
3. Nickname(s):blondo :))
4. Where were you born?chicago
5. What is your birthdate?7 nov
6. What do you want?neeeeeext
7. Where do you want to live?right here
8. How many kids do you want?1
9. What would you want to name a girl?ashlee
10. What would you want to name a boy?edward/vlad
11. You want to get married?hmmm


1. Nervous Habits:trembling
3. Can you roll your tongue?no
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?yes
5. Can you cross your eyes?yes :))
6. Do you make your bed daily?yes
8. Which shoe goes on first?dunno
9. Ever thrown one at someone?yes


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?ah?
3. Favorite ice cream:caramel
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?2
5. What's your favorite beverage?coke
7. Do you cook?NU :))


1. Had a b/f or g/f?yes
2. Bought something you didn't need:yes
4. Sang in front of people:yes
5. Been kissed:yes
6. Been hugged:yes
7. Felt stupid:yes
8. Missed someone:yes
9. Got drunk:yes
10. Got high:yes
11. Danced Crazy:yes
12. Gotten your hair cut:no
13. Cried:yes
14. Lied:yes

iulia said:

Trebuie sa am inspiratie , pentru ca trebuie, pentru ca asa zice Ioana .Da, Ioana! Cum cine e Ioana? ti-ai trait viata daca nu o cunosti pe Ioana!

Nume: Eroare, ne pare rau, mai incercati odata!
Prenume: Ioana Rebecca
Sexul: Feminin
Data nasterii: 7 noiembrie 1994
Neuroni la activ: 1 si un sfert
Zodia: Scorpion

Ce-i prea mult strica:)

"Te foarte ador maxim.pentru ca: esti dilie,blonda,roz,nerabdatoare,unica,curioasa,crezi in toate prostiile gen.'trebuie sa ma culc pana la atunci vine moartea si ma ia cu ea:o...uaaaaa'

Te mai ador pentru ca ma gazduiesti la tine cand ma da mama afara din casa .ce mama!!! Merci mult.merci foarte mult esti o prietena adevarata ca nu ma lasi in strada sa mor de foame si sa ma manance dulaii :|( ce cruda e viata, cine ma aude ma crede:)) ) ..whatever.trecem peste intristeaza=)). Ca vrei sa te muti in colentina cand te faci mare, esti sigura ca o sa te mariti cu un baiat pe nume bogdan..bai, care esti bogdan pe aici :-c. Ca te cunosc de la 7 luni, cand ai venit in frumoasa noastra tara mancatoare de cacat plina de oameni mancatori de cacat ..da nimeni nu recunoaste..hai ca o dau in diverse 8-|[ nu toti, nu ma intelegeti gresit:))..aia care se simt treaba lor, nu stiu, nu ma intereseaza, nu imi pasa:*]asa...frumoasa noastra tara 'CC' noi ne cunosteam dinainte sa vi pentru ca am comunicat telepatic.Asa..mai esti si...sensibilaaa.Il iubesti muult pe idiotu ala mic de fractu.Te iubesc si o sa ai o viata frumoasa cu 5 copii si un sot burtos , barbos pe nume GICA ,sofer de camion. Din 5 copii , 2 fete gemene si 3 baieti retardati . Fetele : Janta si Bujia si baietii : ERBEG=)) , Ventilator si Ulei.:> SUCCES!!!

Coaie, o ador pur si simplu si o iubesc mult pentru ca e ea si atat !!! "

Iulia- Maria 'Memories <3'>

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